

Inventory Management in a Regulated Industry

Key Issues
1. Stock movement processes
2. Access to information from data
3. Production of mandatory reporting to Department of Health
4. Management of inventory

Facts at a Glance
1. Global Employees: 90+
2. Specializing in providing medicines to patients and medical clinics
FlexSystem Solution
1. Trading Management
2. Financial Management
3. Financial Query
Needs and Challenges
1. Management of stock in/out data becoming too labor intensive and time consuming
2. Difficult to handle detailed analysis
3. Increase process inefficiencies with more automation
4. Expired drugs are identified manually
5. Requires many manpower and resources to provide reports for Department of Health
6. Capture of costs across multiple systems for each delivery
7. Delivery of information through reporting to diverse stakeholders including head office and diverse customer purchasing teams
1. Stock processes and reporting fully automated
2. Ability to more tightly manage inventory with impact on profitability
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